The 40 Most Beautiful High Schools In The United States Will Make You Want To Head Back To Class

Some of us recall high school fondly, while others try their best to forget those awkward years. But imagine how much rosier your teenage memories would be if they had taken place in one of the most beautiful high schools in the country! Then again, there is a chance that your alma mater made the list. Take a look at these architectural wonders that a select few students are lucky enough to file into every morning.

40. Withrow High School — Cincinnati, OH

Rushing off to class is always stressful, but doing so while crossing a bridge and approaching a stately clock tower may just take a little pressure off. Just don't look down! Withrow's unforgettable look was the brainchild of architect Frederick W. Garber, and it sets the school apart as one of the most notable academies in Ohio.

39. Diamond Ranch High School — Pomona, CA

Diamond Ranch made the impossible come true. Looking more like a spaceship than a high school, this institution was the product of architect Thom Mayne. He took 72 acres of land that were thought to be unusable and transformed them into a set of modernist-style facilities designed to provide natural communal spaces for all who attend.

38. St. George's School — Middletown, RI

Just a short distance from the posh city of Newport, St. George's School gives its boarding students a world-class education. It also wows them with a view of the Atlantic Ocean from their hilltop locale. F. Scott Fitzgerald even included this scenic campus in his masterpiece This Side of Paradise.

37. Murphy High School — Mobile, AL

This Spanish Revival structure looks like it could be straight out of the colonial era, though it was actually constructed in 1926. And it's a near-miracle that the school is still standing. A tornado tore through its grounds in 2012, but workers were able to repair the damage.