Cats' Unusual Behaviors Are Actually Messages To Their Owners

As anyone who owns a cat can tell you, our feline friends can be just as loyal and loving as any other animal. One thing that cats aren't, however, is easy to understand. Anyone who has ever stared baffled at a blank-faced cat in wonder knows what we mean. Cats may not be outwardly expressive, but you'll want to be on the lookout for all the odd signs that your cat is trying to get your attention!

Aloof Loafers

Cats can be pretty aloof, so there's nothing unusual about your pet lounging alone and surveying the entire room. But if your pal looks at you and starts slowly blinking, he's giving you an important message.

The Slow Blink

Slow blinking is a sign of comfort and love. It's a signal that cats use to tell each other everything is okay, so, if you see it, your buddy is feeling pretty good. There are some other ways they communicate, too...


We're all familiar with purring, which is another classic signal that your cat is feeling content. Still, there's something deeper going on when they start revving their engines — a message that you might not be aware of.

They're Talking To You

Cats don't purr to communicate with other cats; they only do it for humans. That means your pet is specifically telling you how happy they are. You should also be on the lookout for these other sounds, some of which aren't as friendly.