The Impact That Drinking Different Teas Has On Our Bodies

There are few pleasures in life more simple yet satisfying than sipping on a nice, hot cup of tea. As well as all the good it does us mentally and spiritually, there are tangible health benefits to it, too. But your choice of tea is really important — if you want to get the specific boost you need. Different teas give us different health benefits. So switch the kettle on and grab your favorite mug: let’s take a look at which tea is best for you.

Different tea varieties

As we know, tea comes in all kinds of varieties. There’s green tea, ginger tea, peppermint, chamomile, oolong, black tea, hibiscus — and don’t forget good old English breakfast tea. All of these drinks have their own unique properties, which makes them look and taste different. But the specific effects they can have on our health vary quite considerably, too, so doing a little research is really important if you want to reap all the benefits that tea has to offer.

What makes tea good for us?

To get to know the different benefits of drinking tea, it’s good to listen to the experts. Nutrition specialist Vicki Shanta Retelny, who wrote a book called The Essential Guide to Healthy Healing Foods, knows all about the health effects of tea. She says, “Tea is a plant-based beverage that has been shown to have many nourishing properties. As a soothing warm or cold beverage, tea contains plant compounds called polyphenols, which are antioxidants that give tea its medicinal benefits.”

Tea’s medicinal properties

In general, the potential benefits of drinking tea — whatever the variety — are really quite astounding. According to experts, there’s reason to believe that drinking tea often can actually help to prevent the breakdown of cells in our bodies. Plus, it’s said to be great for our brains, too, giving us better cognitive function. What’s not to like?

Tea drinkers live longer

And the news just keeps on getting better. On top of all this, there’s also the possibility that drinking tea regularly — and by regularly, we mean three or more times a week — can actually make us live longer. A study published in a 2020 edition of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology claimed that its participants who drank regular cups of tea had longer life expectancies and were more often free from certain diseases than those who did not.