Lobster Diver Claims He Was Swallowed By A Sea Creature The Size Of A House

For professional lobster diver Michael Packard, it was just an everyday morning out in the water. The surface swell had been pleasant, and conditions beneath the waves were favorable — it was looking like a good day. But this tranquility was suddenly shattered: out of nowhere, darkness came for Packard. Before he could even begin to react, he’d been swallowed whole by a monstrous beast.

Danger is everywhere

Packard was perfectly used to being out in the coastal waters of Provincetown, Massachusetts, hunting for lobster. He’d done it plenty of times before, but even the most experienced divers can never truly master the ocean. Danger is everywhere, and it can strike at any time. Even when you’re not expecting it.

A turn for the worse

Things had been going perfectly well, at first. It had been a benign start to the day on this summer morning in June 2021. Packard had swum out into the open water and taken a dive down toward the seabed. All kinds of fish swarmed around him, and all had seemed right with the world. But then, as he neared the bottom, disaster suddenly struck.

Total darkness

Packard felt as though he had been struck by something, a big force colliding with his body. Before he could figure out what it was, total darkness had engulfed him. Had he passed out? No, he still had his wits about him. He was very much awake, and it quickly dawned on him what had happened: he’d been swallowed by something.

Gargantuan feat

But what could possibly have swallowed a fully grown man whole? It would have to be pretty gargantuan to achieve such a feat. Packard ran through the options: could it have been a great white shark? No, he didn’t think so. If it had been, he surely would have been torn up by its fearsome teeth. This was something different.