Elliot Page Drops Bombshell In New Interview With Oprah

In 2020, actor Elliot Page announced that he was transgender, and the internet went into overdrive. Support and love flowed in from fans across the globe — but at the same time, Elliot had exposed himself to anger from onlookers who didn't understand what it was like to be be in his position. When he met with Oprah to reveal exactly why the worldwide criticism was worth it, he included details about a soul-crushing experience that happened earlier in his career, hidden behind the scenes.

First Reactions

The reaction to Elliot's coming out was harsh, to say the least. Almost immediately, internet commenters started deadnaming him, or referring to him by his former female name. "I am scared, scared of the invasiveness, the hate, the ‘jokes’ and of the violence," he said.

Same Old Arguments

The hate comments also called him names, rejected his identity, and blamed him for all the terrible things happening in the world. Amid the bombardment of bullying and harassment, fans wondered why he'd exposed himself to it. What could have been worse about his life before coming out? He told Oprah everything.

"She" Just Wasn't Fitting

First of all, Elliot doesn't mind either "he" or "they" as pronouns, for those who might still be confused. However, Elliot always felt extremely uncomfortable being a "she" in particular. He'd tried to put his discomfort aside to build a successful acting career, but his body language was beginning to show the bottled-up stress.

It Was Always Obvious

“I felt like a boy,” Elliot told Oprah. “I wanted to be a boy. I would ask my mom if I could be someday.” Everyone said it was just a phase, but ever since he could remember, Elliot wanted to keep his hair short like his male classmates. Finally, at age 9, his mother allowed him to chop off his locks. The result?