Little-Known Facts About The ‘James Bond’ Films That Are For Your Eyes Only

Before every other prestige movie franchise, there was Bond — James Bond. Nothing can touch Ian Fleming's secret agent — at least that’s what it seems like to fans. But these movies have gone through so many ups and downs over the decades, nearly veering out of control on more than one occasion. Many of these production secrets were so strange or unusual that it took decades for them to be declassified.

MI6 secrets

It doesn't take a license to kill to know that Bond works for MI6, Britain's intelligence service. Although the character has been around since 1953, the United Kingdom didn't officially disclose the existence of MI6 until 1994!

A big bite

Jaws, played by Richard Kiel, made history as the only henchman to appear in multiple 007 adventures. However, the actor's metal dentures were apparently quite uncomfortable. And remember that scene where he bites through a gondola wire? That's actually licorice.

Skin suffocation

Auric Goldfinger's preferred murder method is skin suffocation, or painting victims' entire bodies so they can't absorb oxygen. That is pure fiction — humans don't breathe through our skin — but the Goldfinger crew left a patch of skin on actress Shirley Eaton's back unpainted, just in case.

License to drive

Timothy Dalton only made two 007 appearances, but it took a lot out of him. While shooting License to Kill, he was speeding through a closed mountain road — until another vehicle somehow made it onto the set. He nearly swerved off a cliff avoiding the collision.