Visitors At Mount Rushmore Panic After Seeing Crisis Unfold Above

The tourists had come from far and wide to witness the breathtaking sight that is Mount Rushmore. Although they couldn't name all four presidents etched into the rock, the famous landmark was still mesmerizing. But suddenly, one of the group spotted something bizarre moving on the mountainside. It obviously didn't belong, but soon, once they were finally able to process what they were seeing, they were sent into an all-out panic. There was no going back.

The grand view

Yep, there were more than just the four presidents on Mount Rushmore that day, and we don't blame the tourists for flocking there. Mount Rushmore is, after all, pretty much the granddaddy of American road trip attractions. Perhaps that's because the man-made marvel is even more impressive close up.

An odd sight

But while laying your eyes on Mt. Rushmore is exciting enough, one day a group of visitors got a great deal more than they bargained for. They saw something shockingly out of place when they looked up at the mountain.

Four heads... and a person?

There was a trespasser making her way up to the monument, and this woman wasn't just walking a few feet off the trail, either. She was nearing a dangerous point of no return.

Terrifying climb

This woman was starting to scale the stone faces like she was a South Dakotan Spider-Woman. Somehow, she'd made it onto the face of the monument without anyone knowing! That meant she'd climbed over the safety railing, putting her life at risk.