Photos Of The Cutest Baby Animals We've Ever Seen

We never get tired of puppies and kittens, but there's so much more cuteness outside of your living room! Tiny paws, goofy ears, and fluffy cotton tails abound in the wild — even among the most ferocious creatures. From the driest of deserts to the murkiest of swamps, there's a whole world of adorable baby animals for you to explore. The fact that many of these species are endangered makes appreciating their beauty all the more important.

Snugglin' up with a fennec fox

We know it's dangerous to domesticate wild animals, but just look at this baby fennec fox! With its big, goofy ears and tiny paws, it looks as harmless as a kitten. We wouldn't mind snuggling up with these adorable creatures if we had the chance.

The friendly sifakas

There's just something endearing about these friendly-looking primates. Their bright yellow eyes make them look as if they're always in awe of the world around them. Little do they know how in awe we are of them! We can't help but love these happy creatures, though the sifaka-centered TV show Zooboomafoo may have something to do with that.

What armadillos do best

This tiny armadillo is as sweet as could be, even at just two months old! This little armadillo looks so squishy and vulnerable, but it won't be long before his protective armor fully grows in. And if worst comes to worst, he can always do what armadillos do best: curl up into an impenetrable ball!

This gundi needs a sidekick

Frankly, we're surprised this young gundi isn't the star of his own Disney movie yet. He fulfills all of the requirements: he's small, spirited, and of course, extremely adorable! All he needs is a princess sidekick and he's all set for stardom. If only he could tap dance...