Two Sisters Were Separated, But Then An Odd Twist Of Fate Brought Them Face To Face 73 Years Later

For more than 70 years, Harriet Carter and Linda Hoffman knew absolutely nothing about each other. They’d lived their respective lives and were now settling into their later years. But all of a sudden, everything changed. These women learned of a special connection that existed between them — and they needed to meet as soon as possible.

Tough circumstances

Unfortunately, circumstances got in the way of that meeting. The pandemic reared its head and meant people’s ability to travel was put on hold. There was just no way for Harriet and Linda to get to one another. The only thing for it, then, was to keep in touch by chatting on the phone.

Frustrating wait

That must have been frustrating, as they had an awful lot to discuss and — and speaking in person would have been preferable. Everyone else was in the same boat, of course, so they just had to be patient. That can’t have been easy, though, considering what they’d learned about each other.

More than they bargained for

After both independently registering for a website to learn about their ancestors, the women got more than they bargained for. After each providing the site with their DNA, the women were surely looking forward to seeing the types of people in their family who’d come before them. But they can’t have been ready for what the results would reveal about relatives in the here and now.

Something huge

Thanks to the website, Harriet came to realize something huge. She had a sister she’d never known about, in all of her 76 years of life. How could this be true? She had to know more, so she found the details of this supposed sibling and fired off a message. Linda was on the other end, and together they worked out the truth.