The Most Absurd Sights Ever Witnessed At The Westminster Dog Show

Sure, everybody likes dogs, but The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show takes that passion to the next level. The 150-year-old event is one of the strangest competitions on the planet, and its oddest features have earned plenty of fans, as well as critics who want the whole thing shut down. Check out these bizarre details and behind-the-scenes secrets to decide where you stand.

Vacuum Up Drool

At beauty pageants, they tell you to suck it in. At dog pageants, you gotta suck it up! Getting all the drool off before the big show (and even in-between stage visits) is necessary for certain slobbery breeds, like bloodhounds, bulldogs, boxers, and St. Bernards. Nothing will get you disqualified faster than dribbling on the judges' shoes.

Car Inspections

Before you even get in the door, your vehicle must be inspected by the American Kennel Club. They wanna see a setup that would keep your dog safe no matter what. If you're gonna own a prize-winning show dog, you gotta pull all the stops. A generator, a water tank, a fire extinguisher — they wanna see 'em all. After spending on safety gear, make sure you don't end up disqualified for an expired sticker.

Treadmills for Dogs

Wouldn't you hit the treadmill more if these were your exercise buddies? Before the big show, dogs train on actual little treadmills. The goal is to get the pups to run at a certain "trotting" speed to please the judges. It's also good for their muscles and stamina, just like humans!

Dog Posses

Since these dogs are basically celebrities, they never show up inconspicuously. Dog entourages are very much a thing and can consist of up to 12 people, each responsible for something different. Groomers, handlers, and owners all play a specific role. It can be exhausting.